Blooming ecommerce in Indonesia – 2.1/3

US $27.95

Ecommerce ecosystem: payment, logistics, and enablers.



This report will be covered in 2 different parts:

Part 2.1: Ecosystem – Payment

Part 2.2: Ecosystem – Logistics and Enablers

Featured Companies:

Payment: ShopeePay Gopay, OVO, Dana (Part 2.1)

BNPL: Akulaku, Kredivo, Ceria, SPaylater (Part 2.1)

Logistics: JNE, J&T, Tiki, SAP, Si Cepat, Ninja Express, Paxel (Part 2.2)

Enablers: aCommerce, Anchanto, Intrepid, SIRCLO, 8Commerce, Jet Commerce (Part 2.2)

Case study: Alipay, Huabei (Part 2.1); J&T, Baozun (Part 2.2)

Part 2.2: Ecosystem – Logistics and Enablers


Ecommerce is growing rapidly in Indonesia with 30 million Indonesians transacting online, creating a US$40.1 billion GMV market among marketplaces in 2020 alone. As the ecommerce market has significant implications for all aspects of Indonesian economy, Momentum works will be sharing a 3-part series on the end to end Indonesia ecosystem.

Following “Blooming Ecommerce in Indonesia”, Part 1 which examined marketplaces like Shopee, Tokopedia, Bukalapak, and Lazada, Part 2 “Rise of ecosystem” will cover other supporting parts that drive the growth of ecommerce and how they correspond to each other. (Simply saying: ecommerce thrives, ecosystem thrive, and vice versa).

In this report, we deep dive into the payment, logistics, and ecommerce enablers. We share our insights into the landscape and players dynamic, to provide a clear overview of how each moving part connects in the ecommerce ecosystem. Of course, as a bonus, we will be sharing multiple case studies of international players and what’s next for Indonesia ecommerce ecosystem.

The Rise of Ecosystem report includes:

  1. Highlights and recap from Part 1
  2. Payment (Landscape, Players dynamics, International case study) – Part 2.1
  3. Logistics (Landscape, Players dynamics, International case study) – Part 2.2
  4. Enablers (Landscape, Players dynamics, International case study) – Part 2.2
  5. How everything connects
  6. Conclusion and perspectives

Our reports answer questions such as:

  1. What does the ecommerce ecosystem consist of?
  2. What are the different types of players under payment, logistics and enablers?
  3. Who is leading the scene (and how this may change)?
  4. How is Indonesia’s ecommerce ecosystem development compared to the more mature market (i.e.: China)?
  5. What lessons can we draw from international players?
  6. How does everything connect?